Take The Pearl and Leave The Shell
Awaken to a New Realization

Explore the mystical experiences and profound insights of The Nacre God’s transformative account.

To the memory of all those who have wasted their lives chasing after spiritual enlightenment, seeking truth, and trying to find meaning in their own existence.

To those who have been duped by the false promises of spiritual gurus, religious institutions, and their own deluded minds, I dedicate my words, my actions, my life.

May they serve as a stark reminder of the futility of their pursuits and inspire them to abandon their quests once and for all.

– The Nacre God

About The Nacre God

A living contradiction, an apostate, an anti-guru who discourages spiritual seeking while simultaneously pointing out the futility of all other paths to enlightenment, as there is no true reality to be found beyond the veil of illusion. My life has led me to reject all systems of thought, knowledge, and spiritual goals, as they are futile and false. I emphasize the importance of understanding that there is nothing to understand, that the search for truth and reality is a futile endeavor that only serves to distance us from our true nature. My confrontational approach may appear harsh, but it is meant to shake my audience from their complacency and encourage awareness, urging them to question their own beliefs and thought processes.

Founder of The Goners Club. I emphasize the importance of direct experience and self-realization, rejecting traditional beliefs, concepts and spiritual practices, as a means to end suffering and achieve a state of radical amazement and awareness. MY VISION


Explore the Primordial State

Embark on a transformative journey with me through de-spirituality and self-refutation. Discover the shallow depths of mystical experiences and seemingly profound revelations as we navigate the realms of un-enlightenment together.

Delve into the authentic narratives and cautionary tales that have shaped my perspective on the falsehoods of spirituality. Join me in questioning beliefs, seeking truth, and finding genuine personal growth amidst the pitfalls of spiritual exploration.


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Unhappy gurus


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