My target audience is not the spiritual seekers, nor the religious devotees, nor the metaphysical mystics.

No, my audience is far more vast and diverse than that!

My audience, is composed of every individual who has ever felt disillusioned by the world, who has ever questioned the nature of reality, who has ever looked beyond the veil of illusion and seen the emptiness that lies beneath. In essence, my audience is composed of every individual who has ever dared to question the very essence of their own existence, and who has dared to seek the truth that lies within the depths of their own being.

My books and talks are for those who are tired of seeking, tired of running after truth, tired of spiritual bypassing, and tired of chasing enlightenment. These individuals might benefit from the primordial state, the concept of nothingness and understanding that there is no true reality to discover, no divine mystery to unveil, and no self to find. They could learn to see through their own illusions and stop wasting their time on fruitless pursuits.

My vision, if I may call it that, is to awaken individuals to the realization that there is no true reality to be found, no ultimate truth, no divine essence beyond the veil of illusion that shrouds our existence. We are all trapped within our own conditioning, our own thought patterns, our own self-created prisons. And the pursuit of spirituality, enlightenment, and self-discovery is nothing but a futile attempt to escape from ourselves, to find something that is not there to be found. So the concept of nothingness seems to be the one thing that is truly constant and universally applicable.

My vision is to encourage people to question their own beliefs, their own spiritual pursuits, and to see the absurdity and futility of their own actions, as well as the hypocrisy and intellectual dishonesty that pervades the spiritual and religious realms. By challenging the very foundations upon which these beliefs are built, I hope to shake my audience from their complacency, to awaken them to the truth that there is no truth to be found, and to encourage them to embrace their own primordial state, their own nothingness, free from the shackles of thought and spiritual seeking, to see the world as it truly is, beyond the veil of illusion, and to find their own unique path to nothingness/enlightenment, which is, in fact, no path at all, but a state of being that is both within and beyond our grasp, an elusive and yet attainable reality that lies at the very core of our own being, waiting to be discovered, embraced, and celebrated as the primordial state of existence that it is.

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